Discover the diversity of investment opportunities in Amazonas
Invest in Amazonas and grow with us: we are the largest state in Brazil and one of the fastest growing in recent years
The Amazon Forest is known worldwide for its importance for the preservation of the climate and the environmental balance of the planet. It is also recognized for the greatest biodiversity in the world and for its unique beauty scenarios. The Amazon Forest is an invaluable natural wealth.
What you may not know is that most of it is preserved in the State of Amazonas: 97% of the original forest is protected in our state. We are the largest in Brazil and one of the fastest growing in recent years.
Amazonas brings together excellent business opportunities in several areas and offers many benefits and facilities for investors. We have mining, fish farming, bioeconomics, electronics, infrastructure, energy, creative economy, shipbuilding and many other investment opportunities for your company. Bring yours over and find out.
Investing in Amazonas is investing in the future.
Discover the diversity of opportunities to invest in Amazonas.
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Fale Conosco
Strategic Location
Border with 5 states and 3 countries
The State of Amazonas has a privileged location in relation to the countries of Latin America and the United States. With direct and regular flights to Miami (approximately five hours by air from Manaus), ZFM products reach the main international markets and the inputs also have an easier route for the arrival and supply of industries. Maritime routes are also options for transporting inputs and finished products.
Manaus Industrial Pole: more than 500 companies and revenues above US$ 25 billion
Situated in a privileged location, in the heart of the Americas and the Amazon, it is one of the most modern industrial and technological hubs in all of Latin America, currently bringing together more than 500 industries in the Electrical, Electronic, Two Wheels, Naval, Mechanical, Metallurgical and Thermoplastic segments, among others, which generate more than half a million direct and indirect jobs.
Manaus Free Trade Zone: tax incentives for you to grow more
The Manaus Free Trade Zone is a model of economic development implemented by the Brazilian government with the goal of enabling an economic base in the Amazon, promoting the best productive and social integration of that region to the country. The most successful regional development strategy leads the region to economic development combined with environmental protection, providing a better quality of life for its population.
Investing in Amazonas means investing in the protection of the Amazon Forest
When a company invests in Amazonas, in addition to generating jobs and boosting the economy, it also guarantees that the local population will not seek their livelihood through the wrong ways of exploiting the forest resources.
Keeping the forest upright is much more profitable both for companies that invest in the Amazon and for those who live in it. Over time, the inhabitants and residents of the riverside region realized this reality.
Today, the Amazon counts on the work of associations, foundations and on the support of the Government to ensure that life here has more value. With the arrival of companies that are socially responsible and focused on economic growth in harmony with environmental preservation, we will be guaranteeing the quality of life of many species, including humans.
The greatest biodiversity on the planet needs investments that bring sustainable development to the region.
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